For students
Since its inception, the City Mark Art Center has included performances, concerts and films suitable for the student audience. They are in accordance with the curricula and the studied ones works of Bulgarian and foreign classics and are a wonderful form of extracurricular education. They are successful both in Sofia and in front of audiences outside the capital - Oryahovo, Kazanlak, Slivnitsa, Kardzhali and others.
Most of our performances are easily adapted for performance in halls with different possibilities. The center offers opportunities to organize special events, tailored to the study time and program at preferential prices.
For additional information and contacts:
tel .: 0878688818, 0878688821
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by Neil Simon
PARTICIPANTS: Alexander Stankovski, Veronika Barutchiyska, Georgi Dimov, Gergana Libova, Dimitar Pishev, Joana Racheva, Svetlina Stancheva
"Chekhov is looking for talent" is a performance based on the bravura comedy "The Good Doctor" by the great American comedian Neil Simon, which embodies in theatrical form the eternal stories of Anton Pavlovich. It is a kind of anthology, consisting of short sketches and scenes, united by the figure of the Narrator, which shows the personality of the great Russian writer.
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The performance lasts 1h.15 min.
The play, directed by Elitsa Yovcheva, is based on stories by Yordan Yovkov and focuses on female characters in his work - Albena, Peony and Pauna.
Participants: Elitsa Yovcheva, Elitsa Kostova and Dayana Dimitrova
The performance "The Woman is a Herringbone" awakens the cellular memory of the water from the gushing pure source of Yovkov's word and revives it in flesh and blood. She dresses him in movements, kissed by the light of feelings, and leaves us breathless from the beginning.
Captivated by the magic of the intimate confessions of Albena, Peony and Pauna, we rediscover the Woman from Yovkov's stories as beginning and end, as reward and pain, as aspiration and doom, as king and herringbone ... And so, imperceptibly, we slowly sink in the timelessness of the moment called Theater.
Texts are monologue, first-person singular. They are intersected by short plastic compositions. This mixture of different creative approaches is purposefully sought in order to different, interesting and attractive presentation in order to engage the attention of a wide range of audiences, including adolescents, teenagers and young people who study Jordan Yovkov as a mandatory author in the curriculum.
The behavior of the characters is dynamic, active, lined with drama. The director's goal is to immerse the viewer in the world of each of these women, to provoke emotion, empathy and provoke questions related to our time and way of life. To draw the audience's attention to the importance of women, her ability to change, influence and provoke, both in those past times and today.
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The performance lasts 1h.15min
Producer - M&B Productions Production House
Idea and production - Mikhail Milchev
Playwright - Yana Dobreva
Composer - Milen Apostolov
Digital artist - Petko Tanchev
Photographer - Ivo Oreshkov
Actors - Boris Koev, Vartan Aleksanyan, Gergana Libova, Dimitar Pishev, Iveta Marinova, Svetlina Stancheva.
"Plan B" is a documentary theatrical performance based on real interviews with real people suffering from alcohol or drug addiction. Our heroes tell honestly and openly about the humiliations and falls that we can hardly imagine. However, they share all this because they can now afford it - they have overcome it. The light has won in their path.
This is a spectacle about the spiritual crisis of humanity, explored through one of its most serious manifestations - addictions, as an attempt to escape from reality and pain. And personal spiritual experience as a possible way out, proved to be a lifeline for hundreds of tortured souls.
For the decline of morals, the consumerist view of obtaining immediate satisfaction of all needs, the devaluation of spiritual values.
And for God on the other hand. For the eternal epic battle between God and Ego.
About the spiritual path taken by ordinary people, the object of our story and the miracle thanks to which they built a new life on the basis of faith.
The project was implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Rehabilitation Center for Addiction Treatment "Zhiva" and the kind hosting of CityMark Art Center.
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Представлението е с продължителност 1ч.20 мин.
Една история, която Чехов не разказа - историята за неговия начин да обича.
Ела и разбери повече за тази разтърсваща, страстна и незабравима любов!
Участват: Десислава Чутуркова и Милен Николов
Режисьор: Георги Михалков
Хореография: Ива Караманчева
Костюми: Стоян Радев Ге. К.
Музика: Рене Обри
Антон Павлович Чехов и голямата любов на живота му - тайна, изстрадана, останала загатната, но неразгадана между редовете на произведенията му. Екипа на спектакъла с текстове от над 70 пиеси, разкази и писма на Чехов, с прекрасната музика на Рене Обри и фееричната хореография на Ива Караманчева, ни потапя в темите за невъзможността, загубата на илюзиите и сложния любовен танц на привличане и отблъскване.
Историята на аристократката Олга Ивановна и бедния по произход, но преуспяващ Пьотр Сергеевич, се разстила във вихрен калейдоскоп от слово, музика и танц, и със сигурност ще ви върне към някоя тръпчива, горчива, почти забравена, но незабравима страница от вашия живот.
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"Peter and the Wolf"
A musical tale for children aged 5 to 10 and their parents
The story of little Petya, who catches the bad wolf and sends him to the zoo, is still relevant and intriguing for today's world. Good and evil, courage and risk in the name of good, friendship are the main themes in Sergei Prokofiev's wonderful musical tale "Peter and the Wolf".
Chamber Ensemble "Silhouettes" focused on it with the idea to create a children's show that introduces children and students to one of the masterpieces of the classics, to provoke in them interest, attitude and taste in the art of music and at the same time to remind them to be good is not obsolete!
Silhouettes Chamber Ensemble
Kalina Miteva (violin)
Gabriela Kaloyanova (cello)
Lilia Zhekova (piano)
Kristian Kaloyanov (clarinet)
Nadezhda Kondaklieva (reader)
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"Music tells ..."
"Neither high intelligence nor imagination, even the two together make a genius. Love, love and love - this is the soul of genius. "(WA Mozart)
For the second season, the cycle "Music Tells ..." delights children of the most fragile age, opening for them the "Colorful Book", immersing them in the magical world of "Music of the Forest", and the older ones listen with excitement to the tale of "Petya". and the wolf. " The Silhouettes Chamber Ensemble and the City Mark Center for the Arts continue their line of educational concerts, targeting parents and their older children, as well as anyone who wants to immerse themselves in the rich world of classical music.
The first concert "FROM AMADEUS - PERSONALLY" is dedicated to the genius of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his written speech, with which the musicians want to bring their listeners closer to the personality of the composer, to the joy and pure energy that his music brings.
Stage idea: Rashko Mladenov
Suitable for children over 10 years of age

The built stage (width 10 m; depth 5.50 m; height - 3.50 m), professional stage lighting and unique acoustic environment are indispensable in organizing:
> Concerts;
> Theatrical performances;
> Children's performances;
> Exhibitions;
> Fashion shows;
> Ceremonies;
> Cinema screenings - the hall has a screen measuring 6.70 m x 2.70 m.
For maximum convenience in organizing various performances, 3 dressing rooms have been built, with a mediocre connection to the stage. For dance performances, fashion shows or balls, the floor can be aligned with the level of the stage.